Kentucky lawmakers pass bill to give state police officers pay raise

Published 10:36 pm Friday, February 11, 2022

The Kentucky House passed a bill Friday that raises pay for Kentucky State Police troopers and commercial vehicle enforcement officers.

The proposal, which had bipartisan support, would increase the starting pay from the current $40,888 to $55,888 a year. It now heads to the Senate.

The legislation would provide for a 10% pay increase for those at or above the rank of sergeant, and a $15,000 pay increase for state troopers and commercial vehicle enforcement officers, who are below the rank of sergeant.

Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear has proposed salary raises for state troopers in order to prevent troopers leaving for higher pay at other law enforcement agencies. His budget proposal called for similar pay increases for troopers, but also included higher pay for dispatchers and funds for recording devices such as body cameras.

KSP ranks 74th among law enforcement agencies in the Bluegrass State for starting pay, and ranks last in pay when compared with state police agencies in neighboring states.

Republican Rep. Scott Lewis, who sponsored the bill, said the legislation would make Kentucky State Police “a top five law enforcement agency in the state, when compared to other departments across our commonwealth.”